
Genres of computer games

Computer games, or PC games, as they are also called, are classified as video games along with console and mobile games. Tablet games are also considered mobile, and PC games are divided into browser-based and downloadable.

Esports has historically developed on the basis of computer games. Even FIFA competitions, which are considered the most popular console discipline, were initially held on PCs. And mobile game tournaments have appeared only in recent years.

There are many types of computer games, so let’s understand their main genres, monetization systems, and the most popular representatives.

The simplest classification of PC games divides them into:

  • quests – the hero completes tasks by communicating with other characters, searching for and using various objects, solving tasks and puzzles;
  • shooters – games for the speed of reaction, the so-called first-person shooters;
  • Role-playing games (RPG) – a player can improve the abilities of his or her character by defeating enemies and completing tasks, as well as selling and buying resources;
  • strategies – in them, you need to manage not the character but the in-game process, most often, the development of a city/country/race;
  • simulators imitate driving a car, airplane, ship or spacecraft, or a sports game;
  • logic games lead the player to consistent reflections, make them think outside the box and build logical chains;
  • gambling – gambling.

This classification is far from complete, there are really many genres, they are transforming, and new ones are constantly emerging. However, we will mention only those that are in the top now.